2 min readMar 3, 2021


SURF.Finance Layer 2 Maneuverability Manual Version 0.1

This is a quick overview of hopping between chains Surf currently exists on. For a more detailed guide, see https://yostari.medium.com/cross-chain-interoperable-how-to-traverse-the-eth-xdai-bsc-bridges-475451ea4400

An overview of what to expect in terms of fees and processes when maneuvering between chains.

First, go to https://omni.xdaichain.com/ to bridge Surf from ETH mainnet to the xDAI sidechain.

The SURF address on the ETH mainnet must be entered here as a custom token:


This process should be otherwise straightforward if you are familiar with approving and sending erc20 tokens.

Custom RPCs can be added and edited by clicking the oval-shaped Network button, directly to the left of your account icon in metamask.

Then go to https://bsc-to-xdai-omnibridge.web.app/ and connect your wallet to an xDAI RPC.

Use the faucet for free xDAI (The gas currency for this sidechain): https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/faucet

At this second bridge, the SURF address on the xDAI chain must be added here as a custom token:


Approve the tokens and then use the bridge to send them. This process requires 2 transactions, one on xDai chain, and one on Binance Smart Chain. In order to process the transaction on the BSC side of things, you will need their native gas token, BNB.

There is no faucet for BNB. However, if you use Binance’s official bridge (https://www.binance.org/en/bridge) (VPN required, but no KYC required) to bridge ETH to your BSC address, a checkbox will appear before you confirm the bridge asking if you’d like BNB to arrive with your bridge deposit. Some of your ETH is converted by Binance during the process to achieve this.

Custom RPCs can be added and edited by clicking the oval-shaped Network button, directly to the left of your account icon in metamask.

Connect to a BSC RPC to complete the transaction on the Binance side. Once you do, you will receive your bridged tokens. The SURF token address on BSC is:


To bridge Surf back from BSC to xDAI, go back to https://bsc-to-xdai-omnibridge.web.app/, make sure you are connected to BSC, and follow the same procedure but with the BSC Surf token address.

And similarly, to get back from xDAI to ETH mainnet, go back to https://omni.xdaichain.com/, make sure you are connected to xDAI, and follow the same procedure, using the xDAI Surf address.

HUGE thank-you (and full artistic credit goes) to Yostari for the beautiful instructional imagery.

